Day 2-Introduction of Linux and Basic Commands

Day 2-Introduction of Linux and Basic Commands

What is linux?

Linux is an open-source Operating system based on Unix. It's widely used on server and other applications because it is stable and secure.Linux is created by Linus Torvalds. It is multi-user operating system and multi-tasking.

we learn about basic Linux commands

Basic commands:

Is -l-> list the files and directories in long list format with extra information.

Is -a --> list all including hidden files and directory.

pwd --> print work directory. Gives the present working directory.

cd path_to_directory -> change directory to the provided path

cd or just cd -> change directory to the home directory

cd .. -> change directory to one step back.

mkdir directoryName --> to make a directory in a specific location

touch file.txt -> to create a file

rm fileName -> Remove files